Some Captured History of Glanamman and GarnantPit PoniesGellyceidrim Pit Pony Crossing the main road. Drawing by Glen Jones, 1933. An important role in the mining industry in the early part of the 20th century was played by the pit ponies, who spent their working lives underground. One colliery manager in 1922 gave the following information: Pit ponies were not allowed to work underground until they were 4 years old and only the best possible were of any value for colliery work. It was important to take good care of the ponies, who were capable of working until quite old. He stated that at the colliery where he worked (name not given), there were working ponies that had been working underground for 16 years and were still going strong. The cost of a pit pony in 1922 was between £50 and £75, compared to between £25 and £45 before the first world war. During the war, the manager had paid £180 for one. The cost of maintaining a pony in 1922 was on average approximately 25 shillings per week, double what it was before the first world war. It was essential that the ponies were well fed as their 7 hour working day was a strenuous one. When a pony went blind, it no longer worked underground and to protect it's eyesight, in nearly every colliery where the stables were underground, the animal was brought to the surface daily. The ponies' eyesight was apt to be greatly affected by exposure to sunlight after becoming accustomed to the darkness of the colliery. It was, however, regarded as a difficult and costly procedure to bring the ponies to the surface daily. The ponies were credited with having an uncanny way of sensing a danger which was not apparent to the officials or the men. There were numberous cases where a pony had stubbornly refused to pass a spot in the colliery roadway (the name given to a tunnel leading up to a stall), when close scrutiny then revealed a piece of bad top which at any time could have caused a roof fall. Hauliers naturally formed a close attachment to their ponies. Given this to be the case, the manager who made the statements in this article said that he was amazed therefore, that during the disorders of the great coal strike of 1921, there were men capable of the callous and inhuman attitude of abandoning such wonderful animals to their fate in the deserted pits. The 21st of July 1927 edition of the Amman Valley Chronicle, reported on a compensation claim brought before a judge at Ammanford county Court. During the proceedings, the claimant; a haulier named Thomas James, informed the court via his legal representative, of the special relationship between him and a colliery horse named "Boxer". After receiving an injury 16 years previously which rendered the man partially disabled, he was only able to return to work due to the "wonderful understanding" between himself and the horse. He stated that Boxer possessed all of the understanding of a man, always doing as it was told and never having to be led. He admitted that he had driven four other horses, but none were like Boxer and neither he nor any of the other hauliers were able to do anything with another horse named "Fire". Sadly, Boxer had died during the last strike. The barrister representing the defence attempted to ridicule the claimant by describing Boxer as "A wonderful horse that died of a broken heart". Pit ponies also benefited the community in which their colliery was part of, in another way. At the Gellyceidrim Colliery, the workmen, who generally grew their own vegetables, were allowed to take the manure as fertiliser for their garden. A contractor, usually a farmer, was then allowed to take the remaining manure to fertilise his fields. In 1914, a dispute arose between the contractor and the colliers over the manure. The workmen, led by a local minister, led a protest march to the contractors farm to complain that he was not leaving enough manure for the colliers to use. The contractor attempted to prosecute some of the party for using threatening language, which the colliers all denied. The magistrate, however, took the view that a small number of representatives should have visited the farmer and that it was quite inappropriate behaviour for that many people to turn up at his farm to protest. The information on this page was taken from "Anthracite and the anthracite industry", by A. Leonard Summers (published in 1922) and from a 1914 and a 1927 edition of the Amman Valley Chronicle.